Saturday, February 19, 2011

Virtual Hikes in Google Earth

Foram, this is for you!

So, found a great collection of places to "hike" in Google Earth.  Sure, it's a little bit of a bummer to hear "9 Mountains You May Never See In Person", but once you get past that notion, it is a fun idea.  Why not hike Vesuvius?  (I have seen Vesuvius IRL.  I mostly gaped at it like a moron.  History geek!)

Here's the link, which gives out coordinates:
Virtual Hikes.

Greetings From Mt. Fuji!


  1. Thanks Kristi, its nice to have new blog updates when you login. This is an awesome idea- Virtual hiking. Hey, you must know about google art project- virtual tour of world famous galleries. Google is Great!

  2. hell, yeah!

    virtual art is great when you can't get to the real stuff.
