Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Your Honor, I swear I thought that turkeys could fly" : Wherein I explain the choices I made

So, here is my pub crawl map for class.  My theme is "The Seven Deadly Sins".  My audience is your typical drunken 20-somethinger.  I was inspired by (read as:  "I ripped off") the 'Pirate' map that Nicole showed us in class.  I also remembered a good friend of mine, an oil painter, who spent about a year painting only in black and white and greys, because he felt he needed to learn about shape and form.  And so I decided to construct my map in black and white with greys, as I could also learn a lesson about shape and form.  Which honestly works thematically, because your typical crappy-ass pub crawl map is going to be printed on the cheap.  So here are the front and back, with comments beneath.  Enjoy, and feel free to critique.  It's already turned in, so this is the final draft.  FINALLY.

front of map, click to enlarge

  • Went a bit cheesy and really stretched my metaphors.  "Pride"... um, gay pride!  "Envy"... um, "McGrath's is always greener" (really their motto).   The idea is to have fun with the theme, rather than actually committing all the sins.
  • That said, I did once break about 8 of the 10 commandments in under a minute.  I might go to hell for it, if God has no sense of humor.  Which, judging by the Old Testament... oops.  Save you a seat!
  • Had to use the damn draw toolbar to hand-label my streets, as ArcMap went crazy-pants on me, the more layers I imported.  Sometimes simple is better.
  • On the same vein- I realized after I imported a devil's trident for my north arrow, and I could have simply omitted the arrow and imported a rotated jpeg instead.  It's not like anyone is going to take a bearing off the damn thing.  
  • Pretty proud of my start point (St. Patrick's Cathedral), end point (Harrisburg Hilton, for "Lust", because there are rooms available) and that I included a non-bar destination for "Gluttony".  Overall, I'm happy with how the theme played out.  /end brag/
  • It is far easier to use VB to code your text within ArcMap than to attempt to import a jpeg version of your text.  FAR easier.

back of map, click to enlarge
  • Back is a mish-mash, really, of fun bits and pieces.  So, here is each piece:
  • "Beer/wine/mixed drink" image was just a nice little image to represent "what is a drink".  Wish someone had shown me that before I drank the straight-vodka "punch" at that college party.  *shudder*
  • The Cowboy Crunch description is indeed my favorite selection (minus chicken) at Neato, and a call-back to the front of the map.  Altered in GIMP.
  • The taxi I am proud of-- took a clip art image and imported a jpeg'd word text for the phone number, altered and grouped within PPT.  Came out niiiice.
  • Cute little demon sinners-- can't take credit for that.  Found it online, inverted color scheme, and added.  The bits that look crap and fuzzy onscreen printed quite nicely, which you will see in class.
  • The right side of the page are all my cautionary messages.  Wear a condom.  Skull and crossbones.  Alcohol poisoning.  If I'm going to be irresponsible and urge people to drink stupidly and/or hook up while drunk, well, should also include a bit of moral high road.  Also want to point out that I have known some truly awesome and/or wild and crazy sober people.  I really envied my friend Jim, the non-drinker, on the night of Vodka Punch ('99).  *shudder*
  • If you do a google image search for "alcohol poisoning" you will get a lot of images of a shirtless, out-of-shape David Hasselhoff.  What has been seen, cannot be unseen.
  • Oscar Wilde quote-- well, just wanted to fit that in somewhere.  And who doesn't love Bauhaus font?
  • This is a fun assignment, if only because it allows one to really get one's ya-yas out. How often do you get to say "rock out with your cocks out" on a scholarly map?  Only about 25% of the time.  
See you Monday for critiques!  Feel free to comment below.  Except for Justin.  He's a mean drunk.


  1. Awesome. Wish I could actually to this pub crawl. I'd say make one for L.A. next, but choosing locations would be WAY too easy.

  2. Nice work, but I'm uncertain about the title. I remember "I swear I thought turkeys could fly" as Gordon Jump's closing line in an episode of WKRP in Cincinnati, but I don't get the connection. Am I just being dense?

  3. no, there's really no connection. I was going to title it, "I swear I thought he was 18, your Honor!" but thought, well, that's a bit much. the turkey line was really the first other thing to occur to me.

    oh, the Humanity!!
